Thursday, February 24, 2011


 So lately I’ve spent a lot of time pondering on the idea of knowing and not knowing. For instance, how are supposed to know what another person is thinking if they don’t tell us? On occasion, my Chemistry 2 professor will ask if there are any questions regarding the material he just covered and most of the time his only response comes from the crickets outside. Then he tells us, “I don’t know what you don’t know.” Sounds confusing, but makes perfect sense! How is he supposed to know what part of the material we don’t understand if we don’t tell him about our misunderstandings?!

Anyways, as this crossed my mind the other day I remembered writing something along the same lines a good time ago. I thought I’d never find it… that maybe it was on my old computer— but I found it! It’s crazy to suddenly think about something that you didn’t even realize you had already thought about before… not to mention that you had already written about this thing that you barely even remembered thinking about! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I found it.

"We don’t know what we don’t know until we realize that what we once thought we knew, we really didn’t know. Think about it: how are we supposed to know what we don’t know if we don’t know what we don’t know? It is a lot like hindsight bias- looking back it seems obvious that we should have known, but by that time it is too late. We just didn’t exactly know what we needed to know when we needed to know it. It is a frustrating concept and one that is inevitable.

Whose job is it to inform us on what we don’t know to know? Why is it that we find ourselves traveling a windy road thinking we know only to end up on top of an isolated hill looking down onto the things we didn’t know to know in the first place? If only there were someone to get it through our heads before it’s too late. Life is full of “if-only’s.” If only I would have known, if only someone would have told me, if only, if only, if only.

Bottom line: mistakes are defined by what we didn’t know and success comes when that little bit we happened to know came in handy."

 I wonder when I wrote that and why... I guess we'll never know that words is seriously unavoidable!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Take it or leave it...

Whatever you did, wherever you went, whoever you were got you to where you are today. Take the moments of today and live in them, but don’t lose sight of your future— keep your eyes on the prize. Whatever you did before got you to where you are now; therefore, whatever you do now will get you to where you’re going later. 

So don't dwell on the past, but don't dismiss it either. Instead, learn from it. If today depended on yesterday and tomorrow depends on today then learn from yesterday, be thankful for today and better yourself for tomorrow.

Everything happens for a reason, so let it. If you force something, you'll always wonder what would have happened if you didn't. Just let go and what's meant to be will be and what isn't won't be.

Don't change for anyone, if you want to change do it for yourself. Always be yourself and follow your passions. Dream big, but don't stop there.. fulfill those dreams. Experience new things and let love in. Be confident, but not overconfident and always keep an open mind.

Smile, it's contagious. Kind of like a yawn is contagious except instead of making a room of people tired, you'll make a room of people happy and that's just rewarding in itself.

And always remember the three L's...

Random? Maybe a little.. take what you want and leave the rest :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day— Yay or Nay?

Nobody seems to agree on how and why this day of love originated, yet if you were to pick up a calendar and flip to the month of February there would be two words clearly printed in the box of the 14th— “Valentine’s Day.” This day has several different connotations, depending on who you ask and what year you ask that person. I have broken this complexity into two simple yet rather stereotypical phrases…

1. Girls with a date can’t wait and girls with no one have no fun.
2. Guys with a date might hate, but guys that are single get to mingle.

It’s a long shot I know, but I have a feeling everyone feels like this at some point or another.
I never realized how controversial this day was until I logged into Facebook today. My news feed was filled with opinionated statuses and they ranged from super-yay to super-nay and these are just a few...

YAY- “Valentine’s day shouldn’t be day to say I love you because that should happen every day.. It’s a day to say I love us!”

NAY- “Happy smellytine’s day.”

YAY- “Jesus is the best valentine I could ever ask for! I’m such a blessed girl to be so loved.”

NAY- “Sick of all the valen-whining.”

YAY- “God has given me four incredible Valentine's Days with the most amazing guy on earth!”
NAY- “I feel like giving flowers is more appropriate at random, Then on a day dedicated for it. Idk call me old fashioned but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make today special.”
And, of course, mine… “Why is today the only day of the year devoted to love? Shouldn’t everyday be!?”

There is only one way to reach a decision and that is the PTA way... All in favor of one day dedicated to love say "yay" ...


And all opposed say "nay" ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A "YouTube Escape" From Studying

It's been a long and hard week of being a nerd... Here are a few things that got me through my endless studying for Calculus 2. According to my calculations—oh my gosh I've done way too much math this week... 


The most dramatic look you'll ever see on a hamster 


 Scary Sneeze Meets Cute Baby Panda

If only I could dance like this guy...

Only a Jersey Shore episode, some late night studying and a calculus test away from a great weekend!